Tuesday, June 19, 2012

A Thousand Words

What would you say if you only had a thousand words to use for the rest of your life?

So I watched the Eddie Murphy movie, "A Thousand Words" with my little sister today and I actually really liked this movie! It had a really great positive message about how your actions speak louder than words. And of course it got a few laughs out of me as well!

Watching this movie made me think about the past. I even went on my old myspace ( yes it still exists ), and looked back at all my old pictures (down below you can see a few) and comments from friends and people I used to talk to that I had completely forgotten about. 

Sometimes you don't realize that you really have met alot of people and had different sorts of relationships with many people over your lifetime that are either there for a short period or for years and years. 

We all change, grow up and go onto different paths and every one of us leaves behind certain memories and people, it's the nature of things. But looking back today, I appreciate every single person I've met. Anyone who has ever given me a smile, or shared a conversation, shared a struggle with me,  was the person I spent hours talking to on the phone or spent every day by my side. I am thankful for all my closest friends, family and even the aquaintances and random people I may have had a small conversation with just standing in a line. 

We have the ability to say alot with a small amount of words, and yet we often waste those words. We talk to talk, we lie, we break our promises. But we also have the ability to use our words to make an impact in someones life by one kind word or thought. Sometimes the memories we remember the most are the ones that came and went by the fastest. The moment didn't need a million words or hours or days to impact our lives.

So like my question in the begginning of this post, I again ask you.....what would you do if all you had was a thousand words to say all you had to say to the ones you love? What would you say? Who would you say it to? 

My small words of wisdom as I end this post:
Live every day being as honest as you can, with as little words left unsaid as possible. We only get one life and only a small amount of time to do and say all we can. To show not only through our words but with our actions that we care, that we're here for each other. 

Have a great tuesday everyone and please share your thoughts on my question in a comment!!!

~ Create. Inspire. Live ~

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